Chef Francesco was born in Cesena, Italy. His passion for cooking started at an early age when he played with pots and pans with his mother in the kitchen.
He is also a member and an award-winning chef given by the Associazione Professionale Cuochi Italiani (APCI), or the Professional Association of Italian Chefs. He was awarded Les Toques Blanches d'Honneur Cappello d'Argento (Silver Hats of Honor). He received the award on November 16, 2021.
The APCI claims that this recognition, "The Hats of Honor—Les Toques Blanches d'Honneur—is awarded after careful evaluation by a Commission, which will evaluate the Curriculum Vitae, the veracity of the same, and the current occupation."

He has gained various experiences in the best hotels and clubs in the Romagna Riviera. He used to collaborate and attend cooking shows where he was one of the chefs. His idea of cooking is innovation linked to using well-selected materials.
He loves using edible flowers in each dish because they have a wonderful scent and color! You can visit his Instagram for more beautiful and fun content at @chef.francescoarena

To level-up his kitchen sessions, he uses this 8.3-inch Gyuto knife from Syosaku. The core of this knife is the newly developed high-carbon stainless steel ZA18 (HRC 62-63) produced in Japan, which is extremely durable. Combined with 69-layer clad Damascus construction, it gives exceptional sharpness, edge retention, durability, and ease of sharpening at the same time. Look at his videos below!
"Ragazzi, questo è un coltello che arriva dal Giappone. Mamma mia! Ragazzi, questo è pazzesco. E qui, qui in giapponese c'è scritto Chef Francesco Arena. Direi super top. Fantastico, ragazzi. Bellissimo!"
"Guys, this is a knife that comes from Japan. Mama mia! Man, this is crazy. And here, here in Japanese it says Chef Francesco Arena. I would say super top. Great, guys. Beautiful!"
Chef Francesco Arena
Syosaku Japanese Best Sharp Kitchen Chef Knife Damascus ZA18 69 Layer Octagonal Walnut Handle, Gyuto 8.3-inch (210mm)
The high chromium content of the ZA18 alloy combined with the outer Damascus steel realizes extreme stain & corrosion resistance. The material used for the handle is taken from center core of Walnut tree, which is water-resistant and non-slip. You don't have to worry when it's left wet during use (recommended to wash and dry after the use). The ergonomically designed Octagonal handle and perfectly balanced construction make you comfortable even for long-time use.